Lifestyle of an Intercessor (2)

 Text : Ez 1-3.

Focus on Ez 1 : 24- 28, Ez 2:1-2.

Verse 24 - 28.


Vs 24 - he distinguished between the NOISE and the VOICE. 

Noise like that of many waters.. ( even though it was like the Voice of the Almighty)

Noise like that of an army within the tumult..

( See also Isa 66:6. There is always a difference between the sound of NOISE from the city and the VOICE from the temple)

However, a VOICE came from above the firmament.. he could describe what he Saw, the colors; splendor and brightness of fire..

He discerned that it was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord vs 28.

... when he saw it, he fell on his knees and he HEARD a voice of One speaking.. he was so sure that the Lord was there.

God want us to discern His voice from the noise around us. 

He can come with lightenings as He did here. (Check also Ex 19:16-19)

Or ‘Out of a whirlwind’ (Job 38:1)

Or through ‘A still small Voice’ (1kg 19:11-13)

As we pay attention to Him with our whole heart, we will gradually learn to discern His true voice in His dealings with us. 

He speaks to us uniquely. You have to discern yours. You cannot copy somebody else’s method of hearing God... it may lead to error. 

When God gives you a word through someone, He will confirm it to you too.

If we are willing to Surf in the spirit with the Holy Spirit 

His voice will always lead us to :

Total submission, 

Reverence for Him,

Stand in awe in His Presence 

And the Fear of the Lord will captivate our hearts.

Lets be faithful and committed watchmen as described in  Hab 2 :1-4.

Faith does not Stop until it receives response from Heaven - Psm 16:11.


Chapter 2:1-2

It is the Holy Spirit that will set us on our feet as we allow our heart to align with God.

POSITIONING ourselves properly before God through deep Worship helps us to Know, See and Hear His heart. 

To worship deeply, we need an understanding of Worship:

- A revelation of what it means to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:23-24).  We can do a study on this...

- Put the devil behind you. This is not the time to focus on what he is doing.

- Look up! And See Jesus (Heb 12:2, lsa 40:26,)

- Bow at His feet in worship, see yourself kissing His nail scared hands and washing His feet with your tears...

Let’s learn to Meditate on the efficacy of the finished work at Calvary.

How He substituted His life for our salvation.

His vicarious work of the cross.

See Him as our mediator before the Father.

Behold Him face to face and tell Him how wonderful He is and how much you love Him.

Our hearts should respond to God’s love, express His adoration and love to Him.

Worship opens the door to hear Him clearly..

It requires a 

- Surrendered heart (Prov 3:6)

- Silent heart (Psm 46:10)

- Repentant heart (Lk 7:36-50)

- Mature heart (Matt 5:48) - PERFECT.. here means... mature,complete, full age).

When God now gives or sends His word through us, He expects us to pray concerning it first.

Intercede first with the word before you declare it….if He tells you to do that.

God may give a word :

Just for our INFORMATION - for prayer purpose ( He may not want us to share that). 

As intercessors, we must treat it like that. (Psm 25:14) 

.......The word ‘secret’ here means Intimacy, counsel.

He may give a word- and ask us to WAIT for the right timing to share.

He may also give a Word to be DECLARED IMMEDIATELY to someone or into a situation..


It is always safe to receive a LEADING from the Holy Spirit before we declare the word.

When He speaks, don’t be afraid, just go ahead to say the word that He has given you.

An intercessor should learn to HEAR God clearly and WORSHIP Him deeply and effectively through the leading and power of the Holy Spirit. 

More grace and favor to us all.

To be continued...

~ Azuka Gbogboade.


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