Positive Influence.

1Thess 1.

I encourage you to read first, the short chapter of 1Thess  chp 1. 

More grace to us all.

We give thanks… Paul he had a group ( probably an intercessory group)

They prayed together. This is good & should be welcomed in your midst.

  • God says Pray
  • God answers Prayers 
  • Prayer is a means and a privilege to work with God.

Remembering your …:

Work of FAITH- that is, the fruit produced as a result of your ROOT (Foundation)

Labor of LOVE - that is, the true love you produced by labor ( hard work)

Patience of HOPE - that You Patiently look towards… that is a Forward… glance of your Faith.. in our Lord

…Having a KNOWLEDGE that you have been elected by God.

Remember that:

The gospel we received did NOT come to us in Word ONLY, but also in :

  • Word
  • Power
  • Holy Spirit 
  • Much assurance.

That is, the gospel came in much: 

  • Assurance of Understanding (Col 2:2

“that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ,”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • Assurance of Hope (Heb 6:11)

“And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end,”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭6:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

  • Assurance of Faith ( Heb 10:22)

“let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬?

..Through the right kind of Men ( disciplers) we had.

This helped us to become followers of our leaders, trainers, mentors AND followers of the LORD.

Because we received the Word in much AFFLICTION & with JOY of the Holy Spirit ( the Joy produced strength in us)


This made us to:   

Here, Paul highlighted 6 points namely..

a) we become EXAMPLE to ALL. ( In your sphere of influence)

b) From us, God’s Word has SOUNDED FORTH. (We are no more a secret disciple)

……. Not only among those we’ve influenced, but also in EVERY PLACE.

c) Our faith in God has GONE OUT. (This Faith speaks for itself, there is no need to advertise us)

d) Our good report concerning the way we treat our mentors are known and seen by all.

e) We have Good report concerning how we TURNED from idol to serve the Living and True God.

f) We are Waiting patiently for Jesus. And expectantly looking out for His coming..

B) Scriptural example: Daniel. ( Dan 1 & 2)

Daniel, though in captivity, had a positive influence where he found himself.

He did not sit to moan over his situation…

Remember that he was one of the best chosen…. Dan 1:3-5.

They had special meals.

A Duration of training 

The king had a PURPOSE for training them… this includes, that they might serve the nation where they are..

In that situation, Daniel, purposed…. In his heart.. that he will not defile himself.. Dan 1:8.

With the king’s delicacies…. Food, lifestyle, culture, association etc


As a result of Daniel’s decision, God BROUGHT him into FAVOR & GOODWILL.

A time came when there was problem that could have destroyed them if it was not solved… Dan 2: 17-23.

  • Daniel made his decision known to his COMPANIONS 
  • that they might SEEK MERCIES from the God of heaven.
  • The Secret to the solution of the problem was revealed to him in a NIGHT VISION. ( effective solutions come through Self denial and willingness to go beyond our comfort zone)
  • He received Wisdom and Might.
  • He received KNOWLEDGE of what he asked for from God.

This changed the whole situation. His actions and sacrifice also saved others.

How did it come to be:

  • they had a prayer team 
  • They know their God and sort Him diligently Dan 12:32.
  • They did not hide their God or belief….Even in captivity.
  • They proclaimed Him everywhere they went.
  • They treated their mentors with respect.
  • Everyone knew they had turned from idols to serve the living God.

They had positive Influence, as highlighted in 1Thess 1…because they stood for God.

We can do the same in our sphere of influence.

Have a great day.

~ Azuka Gbogboade.


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