
Showing posts from September, 2022


  Positive Influence. 1Thess 1. I encourage you to read first, the short chapter of 1Thess    chp 1.  More grace to us all. We give thanks… Paul he had a group ( probably an intercessory group) They prayed together. This is good & should be welcomed in your midst. God says Pray God answers Prayers  Prayer is a means and a privilege to work with God. Remembering your …: Work of FAITH- that is, the fruit produced as a result of your ROOT (Foundation) Labor of LOVE - that is, the true love you produced by labor ( hard work) Patience of HOPE - that You Patiently look towards… that is a Forward… glance of your Faith.. in our Lord …Having a KNOWLEDGE that you have been elected by God. Remember that: The gospel we received did NOT come to us in Word ONLY, but also in : Word Power Holy Spirit  Much assurance. That is, the gospel came in much:  Assurance of Understanding (Col 2:2 “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assur


  The Messenger in His message. Text : Isa 40:1-11 Looking at the book of Isaiah, it looks more like a miniature Bible. The first 39 chapters ( like the 39 OT books) are filled with: judgement upon immoral and idolatrous men and nations. Judah sinned, surrounding nations sinned, the whole earth too have sinned. His judgment must come… for He can’t allow such blatant sins to go unpunished. But the final 27 chapters ( like the 27 NT books) are filled with: the message of hope. Declaring that the messiah is coming as a Savior and Sovereign… To bear a Cross  To wear a Crown. His ministry, spanning the reign of 4 kings of Judah, covered about 40yrs. The message of hope started from chp 40. God spoke comfortably to His people by CRYING out to her…. That her warfare is ended. ( at the cross) The process of which started with a VOICE of one Crying in the wilderness.. prepare the Way OF the Lord Make straight in the desert, a HIGHWAY FOR our God ( holiness) Isa 35. Isa 35:8. John the Baptist de


  WAITING TO HEAR FROM THE LORD.   Text Ex 24 : 12 - 18, Isa 55 : 3. Isa 30 : 20 - 21.  God wants us to Separate ourselves unto Him, He is waiting for us to speak to us. It is good to Make a conscious effort to wait on Him to hear Him. As we wait on Him, we are encouraged to Wait with : 1) A PURE HEART - Gal 5 : 19 - 22,  - sanctify your heart,    Eph 4 : 20 - 31. We should not go to Him with our own agenda. We should put our ‘gear’ in neutral. 2) A LISTENING EAR Isaiah 50 : 4-5.  3) A WILLING HEART - Rev 2 : 11.  4) PATIENCE (TIME )- Don't be in a hurry,    Be patient e.g. Elijah waited for the still small voice.  5) THE WORD - very vital to our hearing Ps 138: 2.    Read, study, meditate, memorize , and hear to give accurate response to God and solve situations.  6) Ability to KNOW ( discern) the VOICE of GOD. The Holy Spirit explains the word. He alone can reveal and express the heart of the Father.  KNOWING / DISCERNING GOD'S VOICE.  Jn 10:27-28. There are different voices


  Lifestyle of an Intercessor (2)  Text : Ez 1-3. Focus on Ez 1 : 24- 28, Ez 2:1-2. Verse 24 - 28. HEARING: Vs 24 - he distinguished between the NOISE and the VOICE.  Noise like that of many waters.. ( even though it was like the Voice of the Almighty) Noise like that of an army within the tumult.. ( See also Isa 66:6. There is always a difference between the sound of NOISE from the city and the VOICE from the temple) However, a VOICE came from above the firmament.. he could describe what he Saw, the colors; splendor and brightness of fire.. He discerned that it was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord vs 28. ... when he saw it, he fell on his knees and he HEARD a voice of One speaking.. he was so sure that the Lord was there. God want us to discern His voice from the noise around us.  He can come with lightenings as He did here. (Check also Ex 19:16-19) Or ‘Out of a whirlwind’ (Job 38:1) Or through ‘A still small Voice’ (1kg 19:11-13) As we pay attention to Him with