Positive Influence. 1Thess 1. I encourage you to read first, the short chapter of 1Thess chp 1. More grace to us all. We give thanks… Paul he had a group ( probably an intercessory group) They prayed together. This is good & should be welcomed in your midst. God says Pray God answers Prayers Prayer is a means and a privilege to work with God. Remembering your …: Work of FAITH- that is, the fruit produced as a result of your ROOT (Foundation) Labor of LOVE - that is, the true love you produced by labor ( hard work) Patience of HOPE - that You Patiently look towards… that is a Forward… glance of your Faith.. in our Lord …Having a KNOWLEDGE that you have been elected by God. Remember that: The gospel we received did NOT come to us in Word ONLY, but also in : Word Power Holy Spirit Much assurance. That is, the gospel came in much: Assurance of Understanding (Col 2:2 “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaini...