Text: 2Cor 4: 1- 10.

* We should all be glad in this timing that we have found ourselves in..

* It is a time to seek God and fellowship more with Him.

* It is a time to listen to know what He has for the church and what He is saying through His Holy Spirit to the Church.

*As His children, we need to discern our times and season like the children of Issachar instead of murmuring about what is happening around us. 

As leaders, we should be a good example to those we are leading.. leaders worthy of emulation.

Even though we are :

hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed.

We are perplexed, but not in despair.

We may be persecuted, but not forsaken.

Struck down, but not destroyed..

  • however, we are always carrying in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus... so that the LIFE of Jesus also may be manifested in our bodies.
  • We have to stay strong in this season and focus more on Him and His leading.
  • The more we are willing to press through, the more He will release His treasure and power within us. 

He has given us a sure promise in His Word even for this season that we are in. It is a sure word. 

Certain things and strategies may change permanently but His principles and promises remains the same. 

* In Jeremiah 31:10-14

God promise to gather His people back and keep the church... as a Shepherd does His flock. 

  • His church can never be on permanent lockdown. .there will still be a gathering.

* The Lord has ransomed His Church from the hands that seems stronger than us. 

  • It is a matter of time, we will begin to see the manifestation of what He has done and what He is still doing with His Church.

* There will be singing and praises in our churches again, we will all lift up our hands to Him to declare His faithfulness and goodness to us.

  • We will still scream to the goodness of the Lord for His..
  • Provision 
  • Holy Spirit empowerment 
  • Fresh anointing for greater exploits in His kingdom.

As we seek Him more, the souls of His disciples will be like a well watered garden. We shall sorrow no more in Jesus Name.

* As God provides for His people, we will all rejoice and dance before Him as He turns our mourning to Joy. He will comfort us all. None of us shall be missing and none shall be feeble in Jesus Name.

* God has promised to fill our souls with abundance and we shall be satisfied with His goodness.

We should not be discouraged, but more than ever before , we should try to regularly encourage others around us.

*Proverbs 4:18 (TPT) .. says:

When we, as the lovers of God walk in His light, 

  • our ways shall continue to shine brighter and brighter.
  • We will also bring forth the Perfect day in Jesus Name.

Finally, from Psalm 89:15-18.

The Bible says:

  • Blessed are the people who KNOW the joyful sound, for they shall walk in the light of His countenance. This is our portion in Jesus Name.
  • In His name, we will rejoice all day long.
  • In His righteousness, we will be exalted. For He is the glory of our strength.
  • In His favor our strength is exalted.

Our shield (protection) belongs to the Lord and...

our king (authority) is from our God.. the Holy One of Israel.

Be of good cheers, God is in control. He will perfect all that concerns us in Jesus Name.

Good to see you all. Stay strong and stay safe.

God bless you all.

~ Azuka Gbogboade  


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