
Showing posts from August, 2020


GOD IS AT WORK  Text: 2Cor 4: 1- 10. * We should all be glad in this timing that we have found ourselves in.. * It is a time to seek God and fellowship more with Him. * It is a time to listen to know what He has for the church and what He is saying through His Holy Spirit to the Church. *As His children, we need to discern our times and season like the children of Issachar instead of murmuring about what is happening around us.  As leaders, we should be a good example to those we are leading.. leaders worthy of emulation. Even though we are : hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. We may be persecuted, but not forsaken. Struck down, but not destroyed.. however, we are always carrying in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus... so that the LIFE of Jesus also may be manifested in our bodies. We have to stay strong in this season and focus more on Him and His leading. The more we are willing to press through, the more He will release His treasure